


2024年9月17日 今年秋天,世界杯官方app再次迎来了大学历史上规模最大的班级. 总共, 超过35个,900名本科生和研究生报名参加2024年秋季学期, 比去年秋季的总入学人数增加了3%, 根据世界杯官方app机构研究和分析办公室的初步数据.

各个级别的注册人数都在上升, 包括本科生, 硕士生和博士生.

世界杯官方app continues to be the preferred destination for students from across Texas who want to pursue their higher education goals,” 希瑟·希普利他是世界杯官方app教务长兼学术事务执行副校长. “学生和他们的家人都很欣赏世界杯官方app对无障碍的承诺, 负担能力和职业准备, 为长期的事业成功提供特殊的机会.”

今年,德州大学的在线招生经历了急剧增长. 这是连续第二年, the number of students enrolled in 世界杯官方app’s eight fully online degree 和 certificate programs climbed above 1,000名学生. 初步登记 世界杯官方app在线 根据各院校的数据,今年秋季有超过1100名学生,比去年秋季增加了14%. 其中94%的学生居住在德克萨斯州,78%的学生年龄在23岁以上, indicating that 世界杯官方app continues to meet the needs of adult learners 和 prepare them with the knowledge 和 skills they need to advance in the region’s workforce.

世界杯官方app是一个以学生为中心的机构, 和 that commitment is reflected in the design 和 delivery of our online degree 和 certificate programs,” 梅丽莎·维托负责学术创新的副教务长. “我们已经建立了自己的课程, we’ve been intentional about ensuring our online programs are as meaningful 和 engaging as the experiences that students would receive in the classroom. 这是对技术创新的承诺, investing in faculty development 和 creating a high-quality online curriculum is resonating with students who are eager to build successful careers while maintaining the flexibility to manage family, 工作及个人责任.”

⇒ 有兴趣成为一名Roadrunner? 申请世界杯官方app 今天.
⇒ 了解更多世界杯官方app 世界杯官方app在线.

世界杯官方app的博士入学人数大幅增加. 今年秋天,有1000多名学生注册了世界杯官方app的博士学位.D. 项目,比2023年秋季增加了8%,进入博士生增加了16%. 世界杯官方app currently offers 29 doctoral programs 和 is home to world class faculty members in an innovative 和 entrepreneurial research ecosystem.

世界杯官方app的新生入学人数也在增加. 今年秋天, 在9,000名本科生作为第一次学生或转校生进入世界杯官方app, 比去年秋天增加了4%. 德州大学97%的新本科生来自德克萨斯州, 其中43%居住在贝尔县.

世界杯官方app的新转学生入学人数也在增加. 今年秋天, / 3,000名转学生进入世界杯官方app, 比去年秋季的新转学班增加了7%. Ninety-six percent of 世界杯官方app’s new transfer students come from Texas; 59% reside in Bexar County.

此外,世界杯官方app还迎来了5100多名第一次上大学的学生,其中97%来自德克萨斯州. 38%的人来自贝尔县.  总的来说,世界杯官方app的新生班级人数超过7120人,是学校历史上最多的.

The data also shows that undergraduate juniors 和 seniors are taking 4% 和 6% more semester credit hours, 分别, 与2023年秋季相比. 世界杯官方app鼓励学生每学期选修更多的课程, since students who take at least 15 semester credit hours continuously each fall 和 spring semester have higher GPAs, 毕业快, 早点进入职场,早点开始挣钱.

“学生和他们的家人都很欣赏世界杯官方app对无障碍的承诺, 负担能力和职业准备, 为长期的事业成功提供特殊的机会.”

林恩·巴恩斯, 负责战略招生的世界杯官方app高级副教务长, 他说,世界杯官方app对可负担性的承诺继续推动该校的入学率. 他指出,刚刚超过1,100名学生参加了世界杯官方app大胆承诺计划, 目前,Bold Promise的在校生总数已超过2人,900. 这些成就斐然的德州人, 谁来自中低收入家庭, 上大学的学费和强制性费用是否由世界杯官方app承担.

世界杯官方app awarded $15 million more in financial aid to students this year compared to last year – over $400 million in all. 2人以上,今年又有1000名学生获得了经济援助, 经济援助平均超过2美元,与去年相比,今年每个本科生增加了5000美元.

“We extended our priority deadline to May 1 to help mitigate some of the issues our new students were encountering with the FAFSA redesign, 和 we conducted concentrated outreach campaigns to encourage students to complete their FAFSA. 整个春天和夏天, 我们在校园里举办了讲习班, 在其他城市和虚拟世界,” Barnes 说 We also received an additional $4 million in institutional funding to allocate to new students.”

世界杯官方app的初步秋季入学数据表明, 整体, 该校49%的学生来自贝尔县,另外46%来自德克萨斯州的其他县, 进一步证明世界杯官方app正在推动该地区和该州的经济流动性. U.S. 新闻 & 世界报告将世界杯官方app排名第一. 全国47个 为了社会流动性和智库 第三条路排名世界杯官方app第1位. 50个在美国.S. 在其年度经济流动性指数中.

世界杯官方app’s 187 degree programs provide students numerous pathways to help students build their careers. The top five most popular academic programs chosen by incoming 世界杯官方app undergraduates this fall are business studies; biology; exploratory studies, which provides students an opportunity to explore various majors 和 career options; psychology; 和 computer science.

⇒ 了解更多世界杯官方app 世界杯官方app大胆承诺.
⇒ 探索 新学位课程 今年秋天首次由世界杯官方app提供.


  • The Carlos Alvarez College of Business (ACOB) remains 世界杯官方app’s largest academic college for the third year in a row, 超过7个,800名学生, 占所有学生的22%.

  • 以下学院的入学人数同比增长:大学学院(14%), 理学院(9%)和文理学院(4%).

  • 世界杯官方app荣誉学院的入学人数比去年秋天增长了17%, 达到历史最高水平超过2,来自7所学院的300名学生.

  • 世界杯官方app的学生中女性占52%,男性占48%.

  • Seventy-two percent of students at 世界杯官方app are from racial 和 ethnic groups that have been underserved in higher education. 60%是西班牙裔.

  • 67%的学生年龄在22岁或以下.

  • Forty-four percent of 世界杯官方app’s students are first-generation college students (neither parent earned a four-year degree).

  • Fifty-two percent of incoming first-year students ranked in the top quartile of their high school graduating classes

“I am immensely grateful for all of the incredible work of Provost 和 Executive Vice President Shipley, Senior Vice Provost Barnes 和 Vice Provost Vito 和 their collective teams for driving this progress around strategic enrollment growth, 世界杯官方app总统 泰勒Eighmy 说. “I am also grateful to the incoming students 和 their families for choosing 世界杯官方app 和 entrusting the future with us.”

《今日世界杯官方app》由 大学策略传播

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世界杯官方app下载 is dedicated to the advancement of knowledge through research 和 discovery, 教与学, 社区参与和公共服务. 作为一个追求卓越的机构, 世界杯官方app embraces multicultural traditions 和 serves as a center for intellectual 和 creative resources as well as a catalyst for socioeconomic development 和 the commercialization of intellectual property - for Texas, 国家和世界.


成为一流的公立研究型大学, providing access to educational 卓越 和 preparing citizen leaders for the global environment.


我们鼓励对话和发现的环境, 在完整性, 卓越, 包容, 尊重, 鼓励协作和创新.


世界杯官方app是一个骄傲 西班牙裔服务机构 (HSI)由美国指定.S. 教育部 .


世界杯官方app下载, a 西班牙裔服务机构 situated in a global city that has been a crossroads of peoples 和 cultures for centuries, 重视大学生活各方面的多样性和包容性. As an institution expressly founded to advance the education of Mexican Americans 和 other underserved communities, 我们的大学致力于促进所有人的机会. 世界杯官方app, 一所一流的公立研究型大学, 通过对话社区促进学术卓越, 发现和创新,拥抱每一个声音的独特性.

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